Entertainment Web App
This is a solution to the Entertainment web app challenge on Frontend Mentor.
It utilizes Remix for a server side rendered app, and tailwindcss for styling.
Highly dependable Web Developer proficient in troubleshooting and debugging. Quick learner successful at working in both teams and self-directed settings.
This is a solution to the Entertainment web app challenge on Frontend Mentor.
It utilizes Remix for a server side rendered app, and tailwindcss for styling.
A MUD style adventure game.
Designed Front-End UI using React.
Implemented algorithm to dynamically render map with JavaScript.
A user to user tool renting app.
Led Front-End team and developed all state management using Redux.
Built the Node/Express API.
Utilized Amazon S3 for image upload.
After 6 and a half years of working at a oil and gas field automation company I was made the head QA/QC engineer. After six months I felt that I had gone as far as I would go in that company and was not ready to stop learning and progressing in my career.
I have always had an interest in the technology field and knew that was the direction I wanted to go. I found out about Lambda School and the opportunity that they offered. I am excited to continue to learn and realize my goal of becoming a successful Web Developer.